Friday, February 5, 2010

To hitchhike or not to hitchhike?

Hitchhiking in America has definitely decreased over the past decade and even more. Although we've upped our security in cars we've also upped our fear. People are very suspicious these days and not as willing to pick up someone they don't know. But I think it has decreased mainly because of technology. Everyone has cell phones, where a ride is only a call/text away. Communication is so advanced today that hitchhiking isn't too far from being totally extinct.

To be honest, if for some reason someone stole my phone and I happened to be 100 miles from civilization I would hope a kind stranger would give me a ride. I don't think it's as dangerous as the movies make it out to be. I once gave an 80 year old man a ride to the super market when I was leaving the YMCA, but I was with a friend. Would I have done it without my friend with me? Probably not.


  1. I definitely agree that people have become more suspicious. I can't really say exactly what event led to the increased tension/nervousness associated with picking up hitchhikers but I do agree that cellphones have decreased the need to hitchhike. I feel like if I ever lost my cellphone, there would be SOMEONE around to have a cellphone or at least someone to point me to the nearest landline, etc. I probably wouldn't hitchhike either though, I feel like the people driving are just as dangerous if not more than those receiving the ride. Man the world is so confusing nowadays. ahhaha.

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  3. I think you're absolutely right. I think technology has definitely changed transportation as we know it. I will admit that I do not have any desire to hitchhike though. I just dont trust people. The only time I have ever picked up a hitchhiker once. He was a student at my high school who I recognized but never met. I dont forsee myself doing it again anytime soon though.
