Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Visual Media

I think the most effective type of media to portray rhetoric is any type of visual. There are several photographs people remember from decades ago because it ignited some emotion that had such a lasting effect. For example, September 11. Every newspaper across the country had a photo of the twin towers on the verge of its collapse. This became a breaking point in history and that visual image will be in the minds of Americans forever. But film has the same amount of effectiveness. With nearly all Americans owning a TV advertisers have a field day with creating shocking, sentimental, or funny messages to persuade the viewer in any way. To get any message across, in this decade, people (especially Americans) are most receptive to visual media.

For my project I used a video with a series of still frames. Yes, I don't have a camcorder here but I think the still frames added artistic flare and uniqueness. This allows the viewer to observe more and connect the dots themselves, so I'm pretty happy with my project and I don't think I'd redo it any differently.


  1. I agree that visual media such as video and photographs are the most effective way to portray rhetoric. The 9/11 picture example that you bring up is a perfect example of that. When I look at it, and probably other people do, they probably still feel the same way that they did when they first saw those images.

    Also, I loooove stop motion. You did a great job with yours! We had to do a project for video communications my senior year and we re-used so many frames it was ridiculous. hahaha. Senioritis kicked in during that project. I really loved your video!

  2. I think you're absolutely right. Visual media is very effective. I really liked your use of pictures, I just wish we could have heard the music. Oh well though, your product was effective all the same. As for the 9/11 picture(s), they are something we as Americans will never forget.
