Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Visual Media

I think the most effective type of media to portray rhetoric is any type of visual. There are several photographs people remember from decades ago because it ignited some emotion that had such a lasting effect. For example, September 11. Every newspaper across the country had a photo of the twin towers on the verge of its collapse. This became a breaking point in history and that visual image will be in the minds of Americans forever. But film has the same amount of effectiveness. With nearly all Americans owning a TV advertisers have a field day with creating shocking, sentimental, or funny messages to persuade the viewer in any way. To get any message across, in this decade, people (especially Americans) are most receptive to visual media.

For my project I used a video with a series of still frames. Yes, I don't have a camcorder here but I think the still frames added artistic flare and uniqueness. This allows the viewer to observe more and connect the dots themselves, so I'm pretty happy with my project and I don't think I'd redo it any differently.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

A friend of mine introduced to me to this band over winter break called Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. Don't let the name fool you because I know it sounds kind of ridiculous. They're an alternative band with like a 60s folk twist. Their different from any music I've ever listened to, so that attracted me right off the bat. Probably their most popular song, Home, really gets to me. It's pretty simple, it talks about how 2 people who are madly in love with one another (the 2 main singers). The chorus is also simple, it goes:

Ahh, Home
Let me come Home
Home is whenever I’m with you
Ahh, Home
Let me come Home
Home is when I’m alone with you

Listening to the song makes me think of my friends and family and good memories I've had with them. Obviously, I think about home too and no matter how many times I listen to it I get in this great mood. I get in this very relaxed, peaceful zone where everything is right. It's amazing what music can do for people some times.

Friday, February 12, 2010


I think Pathos is most effective when reading anything. Although ethos and logos are crucial when supporting an argument, it's pathos that really effects the reader in a positive or negative way. For example, advertisements feed us propaganda constantly, yet we believe what they're saying because of its emotional appeal and we disregard how accurate the facts really are. I think it's the same with reading. If the essay, or book ignites enough emotion to someone, the accuracy of the facts don't seem to matter as much. I'm speaking for the majority of readers because I know most of us (in English 101) pay way more attention to what we read to not be fooled by solely emotion.

Krakauer uses all 3 pretty frequently, but I'd have to say he establishes his credibility the most. I think he feels he must in order to change the naysayer's point of view. He constantly is putting in letters before every chapter, verifying his research, and mentioning interviews. Half the book is proving McCandless' nobility, so that's why I feel ethos is so crucial in Krakauer's writing.

Friday, February 5, 2010

To hitchhike or not to hitchhike?

Hitchhiking in America has definitely decreased over the past decade and even more. Although we've upped our security in cars we've also upped our fear. People are very suspicious these days and not as willing to pick up someone they don't know. But I think it has decreased mainly because of technology. Everyone has cell phones, where a ride is only a call/text away. Communication is so advanced today that hitchhiking isn't too far from being totally extinct.

To be honest, if for some reason someone stole my phone and I happened to be 100 miles from civilization I would hope a kind stranger would give me a ride. I don't think it's as dangerous as the movies make it out to be. I once gave an 80 year old man a ride to the super market when I was leaving the YMCA, but I was with a friend. Would I have done it without my friend with me? Probably not.